Tuesday, October 30, 2007

197-214 quotation responce---huckfin

“All right then, I’ll go to hell!”
- this quote is talking about jim, when they take him and sell him. he says he will go to hell if befor he will stop being a friend to jim. this shows really stong charecotr on hucks part and how strong of a person he is and willing to do the right thing. if makeing a differnece to some one even if it endangers you it sill can be worth it. it shows the strong bond between huck and jim and really brings out hucks charector.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

huck responce for 92-108

As you can see Huck and Jim are extreamly close. what does it mean that he is so close to him at these times? it is not social atiquite to be such good friends with a slave. this shows a level of maturity on Hucks part and that there is no difffence between races and children can see that if they have not been taught to. Huck is trying to free a run away slave who has taught him alot in his life. this show that you can learn form anyone the problem with people is that they are to quick to judge and somethimes the littleist kids can see that the best because they dont know how to judge yet.

floating 71-91 responce

there are many interesting things in these chapters that symbollolize different things to coem in the book. for example how Huch and Tom go on an adventure. Adventures are also a main theme of the book. During their adventure they are floating down the river. floting down the river can symbolize not having controle. this is what i infer from this because the other day...well most of this year i have felt like i was floating, not able to controle or stop anything, so it is slightly ironic that we are now reading about it. this is how i realate to this. During this chapter they also live off the land and really fend for them selves, which can symblize growing or being independent or self relient, also somethings we have been doing this term. In the end of this chapter they loose the raft, it floats away and they are unable to retrieve it. this could mean that they still are not as responisble as they think and have learning to do. it could also just be a new chalenge presented to them and depending on how they deal with it will determin how mature and self relient they are. it could also mean they can gain more controle or their lives becaus what they were floating on is no longer presnt. this could also mean the opposite thing which is that they have no controle but it depends on whre you are coming from.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Emily Dickinson, poems under heading “Day 1”

Emily Dickinson, poems under heading “Day 1”

~Would you label Dickinson as Transcendental? Why or why not?
- i think that Emily Dickenson is a transcendentalist. she is a transedentalist because she says that she has pain in a few of her poems but she pushes threw it. this shows that she is self relient and strong within. she also states that no one can have power over her which shows that she strong and self relient. these are all qualities that transedentalist posess.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Song to myself by Walt Whitman

Song to Myself by Walt Whitman: responce on 15, 51 and 52

"the past and present wilt"
- This is just saying how the past drifts aways and compairs it to wilting. the past melts/ wilts away as it get further into the past. The present will become the past and so the cycle is on going.

"i too am not a bit tamed, i too am unraslatable..."
- untamed is meaning that the person is a free soul, always is free, haveing fun and pursuing what they want. when the quote says untranslatable it means they cant be defined in a sertain way because they are always branching out and doing something new. they are unpredictable.

Hawthorne, “The Minister’s Black Veil”

Hawthorne, “The Minister’s Black Veil”

“why do you look back”
- why do you look back? Are you looking for some thing, someone, reminiscing, remembering better times, or harsh ones. You can never change the past but you can learn form it.

“if I hide my face for sorrow, there is cause enough…and if I cover it from secret sin, what mortal might not do the same?”
- what is the cause to hide your face? If you are upset you hide it from others but in this quote he says he is hiding his face form the pain/ the sorrow. Maybe he is hiding from the horror that is going on out side.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown”

Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown”

“there may be a devilish Indian behind every tree.”
- to me this means that there may always be threats. You have to watch out you never know what will happen next time you turn a corner.

“be it so”
- what ever will be will be. You cant change what is going to happen or what did happen.